Let me start this post by first apologizing for my lack of blog entries lately. As soon as I hit the final stretch of my first semester everything seemed to be happening at once. Suddenly all of my coursework seemed to double and so did the amount of parties and soirées. Everyone seemed to want to see each other before we parted ways for 5 and half weeks. After I finished all of my final exams and papers I got back in bed and slept for hours. I spent the rest of that week indulging in a little retail therapy and playing in the city that never sleeps. I will admit, it was hard not to hold back on my shopping habits for the better part of last semester, but so worth it when I was finally able to spend what I had saved up in that last week. So rewarding that I’m considering doing that again this semester!
My winter break was relaxing and enjoyable. I was able to see almost everyone back home and spend some quality time on the couch with my dogs, cats, and my good friend Netflix. All seven seasons of “The West Wing” had just gone on Netflix at the start of break and for those of you who don’t know, it’s pretty much one of the greatest shows of all time. I must admit, the end of my five and half week break was a relief. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed spending time with my family, cuddling with my cats, breakfast dates, after-breakfast coffee dates, lunch dates, afternoon coffee dates, dinner dates, sushi dates, post-dinner coffee dates, tea dates, and every other possible social gathering that revolves around the two main loves of my life - food and coffee - with my friends. But 5 weeks is a long time to be away from New York and an awfully long time to not have anything productive to do. So as much as I miss the comforts of home and as much as I enjoy sleeping in my own bed in my own room with my own bathroom, I really am glad to be back in New York.